Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Synergy Art Foundation - Survey for San Diego Artists

From the San Diego Visual Arts Network -

Synergy Art Foundation (SAF) is conducting an Artist Live/Work survey to evaluate the needs of San Diego County artists and arts organizations for permanent, affordable live and work space. The information collected will be will be shared with elected officials, community housing organizations, arts organizations, developers and potential donors, to inform them of the need for such projects in San Diego. It also will be useful in developing design guidelines and amenities for potential projects. Please take the time to complete the survey (about 10 minutes) and please forward this survey to any artists/arts organizations you think may be interested. It is critical to reach as many as possible. Fill out the survey is you need either work space or live work space. Please complete by April 15

Note that the term Artist is defined by this survey under many headings - Visual Art, Designer, Musician, Dancer, Video, everything else in between and Arts Organizations.

Please pass this along to all the artists in San Diego county that you know. It is important that our officials understand the dire need of this community for affordable and available housing and studio space.

Actively yours - Jaime

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing this news on Twitter so I could find it.


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