Copyright 2011, Salvation Mountain photo by Jaime Lyerly |
I heard this poem last night at the Temple Priestess Samhain ritual. Thank you to Kaliani Devinne for sharing.
It struck me as one of the most delicious poetic concepts that I have ever heard.
Decide for yourself if this kind of prayer is what you are seeking. I know I am.
Dangerous Prayers
by Regina Sara Ryan, from "Woman Prayers: Prayers by
Women from Through History and Around the World" by Mary Ford-Grabowsky
(HarperSanFrancisco: 2003):
from polite and politically correct language,
from appropriate gesture and form
and whatever else we think we must put forth to invoke
or to praise You.
Let us instead pray dangerously--
wantonly, lustily, passionately.
Let us demand with every ounce of our strength,
let us storm the gates of heaven, let us shake up ourselves
and our plaster saints from the sleep of years.
Let us pray dangerously.
Let us throw ourselves from the top of the tower,
let us risk a descent to the darkest region of the abyss,
let us put our head into the lion's mouth
and direct our feet to the entrance of the dragon's cave.
Let us pray dangerously.
Let us not hold back a little portion,
dealing out our lives--our precious minutes and our
energies--like some efficient accountant.
Let us rather pray dangerously--unsafe, profligate, wasteful!
Let us ask for nothing less than the Infinite to ravage us.
Let us ask for nothing less than annihilation in the
Fires of Love.
Let us not pray in holy half-measures nor walk
the middle path
for too long,
but pray madly, foolishly.
Let us be too ecstatic,
let us be too overwhelmed with sorrow and remorse,
let us be undone, and dismembered....and gladly.
Left to our own devices, ah what structures of deceit
we have created;
what battlements erected, what labyrinths woven,
what traps set for ourselves, and then
fallen into. Enough.
Let us pray dangerously--hot prayer, wet prayer, fierce prayer, fiery prayer, improper prayer,
exuberant prayer, drunken and completely unrealistic prayer.
Let us say Yes, again and again and again.
and Yes some more.
Let us pray dangerously.
the most dangerous prayer is YES.
Are you ready to be ravaged by the Infinite? I know I am. Share in the comments below if this kinda prayer is what you need.
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