Friday, July 30, 2010

Luminous Layers: Exploring Contemporary Encaustic - Video by Linda Womack

Finally! A great video which shows the shows the versatility of encaustic (hot beeswax) painting and sculpture by contemporary artists.

The video below is by Embracing Encaustic author Linda Womack who was also the curator of the Luminous Layers: Exploring Contemporary Encaustic at the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts in Oregon.

The show is now closed, but you can get a peek at the work in the video below.

I personally love the sculptural encaustic works, and I am dying to find out the name of the artists. Since 3-D encaustic is where I am working, it is great to find more artists who have "mastered" the techniques and are showing them out. When I get the name of the artists, I will be sure to share them!

So how about you? What is your favorite work in this video? Share in the comments below.

Luminous Layers: Exploring Contemporary Encaustic Video

You can read more about the Luminous Layers show on Linda Womack's Embracing Encaustic blog.

I love encaustic! ~  Jaime Lyerly


  1. Thanks for sharing the beautiful show with us.

  2. Thanks so much for this! I think I preferred the sculptures mostly. But I also liked the large painting of fingerprints and the small grouping of pastel paintings near the end. I confess, I like girly colors. LOL

    I've given you an award over at my blog. Don't worry about doing the whole award thingy if you don't have time. Just consider it a shout out for your blog.

  3. Thanks to you Meg and Mary Anne for checking it out! I wish I could have seen the show myself, but this is an okay substitute.

    Mary Anne, I will check out the award, but you are right about me be swamped at the moment. I don't have much time to BREATHE now, let alone blog. But I had to share this.

    Take care!

  4. That is so cool! I'm a different type of artist...a writer! I'm amazed at how artists such as yourself create such wonderful work.


Have something to say? You rock! I am all ears....