Pele, from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards
to spark this fire of releasing.
See this helpful blog post for the meaning of the card.
I am a crossroads in my life as old parts of me fall away and shiny new parts are growing.
To celebrate this transition, instead of letting it scare the shit out of me, I am devoting more of my time to my spiritual practices and letting them inform my artistic expressions.
With my very limited time, I kept this blog going with a very low amount of effort over the last year, and have disappointed many people including myself for not keeping it up to date. I don't have the energy to do it all. And I kept waiting to find that energy somewhere.
So rather than waiting till I "get back to normal" to start blogging again, I am going to release this blog and all its obligations.
What does that mean? The posts will still be here, but I will not.
I may eventually delete the whole thing, but for now, it will be an archive of where I have been, what I have taught and the art that I made.
And it will be a testament to the readers and viewers who have shared this journey with me.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me - however long it has been for you.
You have given me a voice. Thank you.
So I leave this blog the most recent picture of me with one of my Temple Priestess teachers, Jennifer Masters, who along with my other teacher Kaliani Divine and the many others in the Temple Priestess community who have help facilitate my amazing growth.
Photo by Felicia, May 2011 at Beatrex's Lakshmi Abundance Ceremony
I am more ME than I ever have been in my life. Now I need to figure out what that "me" wants to do. And I need to do it outside of the blogosphere.
Wait! I am not going completely away! I am still going to maintain my Facebook fan and personal page, and twitter. I just may have more to say about spiritual practices than art for the time being.
When I can weave this new spiritual understanding and my drive for art making, I will be back switched on with the full force of my new powers. Just wait and see.
Thank you again for being here and sharing your journey with me!
In love and light ~ Jaime Lyerly