Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Art Supply Trade! Bringing Back the Barter System!
So sorry this post took so long. As I mentioned to friends that I had supplies to trade, I found some takers already, and got rid of some large (read: too expensive to ship) items and traded it for an art consultation. However, I had a week of pack rat doubt about getting rid of my stuff and let that resistance hinder me from finishing this post that I started 3 weeks ago. Well here it is!
More stuff to come, but I just needed to get this out into the world now - a kind of "asking the universe and it will provide" idea. I need lots of beeswax for my current projects. Can you help?
In my post "Out with the Old! Bringing in new energy by cleaning" I talked about how I was frantically getting rid of old clothes and doing the unthinkable (in my pack rat mind) - Throwing out art!
I decided it was time to make room for some new art and supplies by getting rid of the supplies that I am not using. I am also working on more 3-D beeswax art work and encaustic paintings. For anyone who works in encaustic, they know how expensive these paints are! Almost outrageous at at least $20 a small cake. And with encaustic, it is all about lots and lots of layers. So each layer just adds to the price. My 3-D beeswax and fiber forms also use a ton of beeswax, and I am down to about 2 lbs of it. Yikes! What is a girl to do? There is art to be made and no supplies to make it with!
Also, In this difficult economic times, I feel guilty about spending money on art supplies when it could be used for something more practical. So what if I traded my unused supplies and art books for some encaustic paint or beeswax? Then I won't have to worry about spending "money" as it will almost be like getting it for free. The idea sparked - BARTER SYSTEM!
So here I am; offering my supplies to you. Do you work in encaustic? Did you try it and not find it fun to work with? How about oil sticks? Any of those lying around unused? Have beeswax to spare? Maybe have an unused cradled board or two that you have no plans for? Plain, unused, rolled canvas need a new home? I can help out! Let's make a deal!
The supplies I am looking for are pretty specific to my area of mixed media encaustic/beeswax 2-D and 3-D creations. But I am open for other suggestions. As being a lifelong learner, I am willing to trade items for things less tangible, such as online classes, art consultations, art business help, and coaching services. It really just depends on the offer. I just want my stuff to become your stuff, but I don't want to sell it to you.
If I have peaked your interest at all, see the two lists below: Want and Have.
Encaustic Paints
Unbleached, Refined Beeswax (lots of it, please!)
small Blow Torch
Encaustic iron
Cradled Boards (birch or something unprimed)
Oil Sticks (see R&F paints for these)
Gift certificates to R&F, Dadant and Sons or other encaustic paint or beeswax suppliers
General supplies
3 11x14x.75" canvases
1 16x20x.75" Oval Canvas
Bags of various ribbons and papers
Knifty Knitter purple rectangular loom
Art Books (All books in excellent condition)
Art 21: Art in the twenty-first century, Volume 1 hardback
American Art book (small book)- Phaidon
20th Century Art Book (small book) - Phaidon
The 20th Century Art Box Postcards - Phaidon
The Art Box postcards - Phaidon
Surrealism - World's Greatest Art
Rome and Vatican Book
Pablo Picasso - Ingo Fi Walher
Art Technique Books
Encyclopedia of Sculpture Techniques - John Mills
Teach yourself Sculpture
Complete Guide to Drawing - Giovanni Civardi
Essential Techniques for Drawing and Painting
The Zen of Creative Painting - Jeanne Carbonettis
Writing/Art/Journaling (technique included)
Artists' Journals and Sketchbooks - Lynne Perrella
Journal Spilling - Diana Trout
The Altered Object - Terry Taylor
Secrets of Rusty Things - Micheal De Meng
Classic Color Theory/Design Textbooks
Design and Form, Revised Edition - Johannes Itten
Interaction of Color, Revised Edition - Josef Albers
Creative Living/Art Business
The Saavy Crafter's Guide to Success - Sandra McCall
Living the Creative Life - Rice Freeman-Zachery
I will be adding to this list as I can. Did you find something that you want? Email me and I will work with you.
Desperately seeking beeswax ~ Jaime Lyerly
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Lessons from Failure
I start this new college semester with a better understanding of myself.
After whining for the last few days (okay weeks....maybe a month....) about not wanting to start classes again because it will cut into my creative time, I am actually excited to start today.
This semester will be a focus on what is important to me, which is a big change from my attempt at learning the Japanese language last semester so that I could study abroad in Japan. I ended up failing Japanese I, because of many reasons which included no time to study, a difficult studio class, illness and my memory not being as good as it was 10 years ago. Since I identify myself as an overachiever (and yes it is very true) this was a hard blow to my ego. I still have a difficult time to identify myself as more than just an academic, so failing a class is a heavy burden to bear. As I was clearing out my Japanese binder last night, I heard each paper yell "FAILURE!" as I shuffled them into the recycle bin. However this failure has taught me more about who I am now than all the scholarships and honor society awards that I won within the last year.
What I learned from failing:
1. Learning a language at 32 is harder than at 22.
2. My self worth should not be judged by my grades or GPA.
3. The world will not end if I fail a class.
4. Stress makes you sick. Sickness makes you miss class. Missing class makes you stressed. Cycle repeats and repeats.
and most importantly:
5. BALANCE is the more important than anything.
So this semester, I am going to seek BALANCE more than academic achievement. As the semester starts today, I vow to keep this sense of balance by taking time to exercise my body, eat healthy foods, write and enjoy life and make time for my family and myself.
Even though I have no choice but to take full time classes (12 units) or work part time to pay my bills, I can chose my classes carefully, and budget my time better. I am going to say NO more often for things that don't serve me, and carefully evaluate the wonderful opportunities that present themselves to see they fit into the time I have now.
Therefore, I hope that my readers will kindly understand if there is less content on this blog, and know that while I am silent here, I am creating somewhere else. I still plan to document my process and share art and art marketing tips I find, but there may be less. And as the newness and excitement of my classes turns to work and stress, I plan to come here to blog about my failures in addition to my successes. Viewed as a whole, this will show the real me - flaws and perfection at the same time.
If you are starting classes now (teaching or learning), I applaud you and hope you will help me on my journey towards balance. And in turn, I wish share my world of creativity and artistic expression with you. We will both win. If you are not starting classes, I still hope you will seek out balance and share with me your lessons from an unapologetically creative life.
Forever seeking Balance! ~ Jaime Lyerly
After whining for the last few days (okay weeks....maybe a month....) about not wanting to start classes again because it will cut into my creative time, I am actually excited to start today.
This semester will be a focus on what is important to me, which is a big change from my attempt at learning the Japanese language last semester so that I could study abroad in Japan. I ended up failing Japanese I, because of many reasons which included no time to study, a difficult studio class, illness and my memory not being as good as it was 10 years ago. Since I identify myself as an overachiever (and yes it is very true) this was a hard blow to my ego. I still have a difficult time to identify myself as more than just an academic, so failing a class is a heavy burden to bear. As I was clearing out my Japanese binder last night, I heard each paper yell "FAILURE!" as I shuffled them into the recycle bin. However this failure has taught me more about who I am now than all the scholarships and honor society awards that I won within the last year.
What I learned from failing:
1. Learning a language at 32 is harder than at 22.
2. My self worth should not be judged by my grades or GPA.
3. The world will not end if I fail a class.
4. Stress makes you sick. Sickness makes you miss class. Missing class makes you stressed. Cycle repeats and repeats.
and most importantly:
5. BALANCE is the more important than anything.
So this semester, I am going to seek BALANCE more than academic achievement. As the semester starts today, I vow to keep this sense of balance by taking time to exercise my body, eat healthy foods, write and enjoy life and make time for my family and myself.
Even though I have no choice but to take full time classes (12 units) or work part time to pay my bills, I can chose my classes carefully, and budget my time better. I am going to say NO more often for things that don't serve me, and carefully evaluate the wonderful opportunities that present themselves to see they fit into the time I have now.
Therefore, I hope that my readers will kindly understand if there is less content on this blog, and know that while I am silent here, I am creating somewhere else. I still plan to document my process and share art and art marketing tips I find, but there may be less. And as the newness and excitement of my classes turns to work and stress, I plan to come here to blog about my failures in addition to my successes. Viewed as a whole, this will show the real me - flaws and perfection at the same time.
If you are starting classes now (teaching or learning), I applaud you and hope you will help me on my journey towards balance. And in turn, I wish share my world of creativity and artistic expression with you. We will both win. If you are not starting classes, I still hope you will seek out balance and share with me your lessons from an unapologetically creative life.
Forever seeking Balance! ~ Jaime Lyerly
San Diego Community Art Events at the Women's History Museum
Some great art events coming to the Hillcrest area of San Diego, CA to the wonderful
Women's History Museum and Educational Center. Check it out!
Ladies Who Paint
at the museum thru January 31
In the tradition of Grandma Moses, these 3 artists discovered their artistic talents later in life and have made creative expression part of their daily lives.
Please join us to view "VENTURES IN ART", a representational collection on exhibit through January 31, 2010
Mollie Solorzano, Linda Kennedy and Dr. Georgianna Galas have painted together for several years and share a love of artistic expression.
Closing Reception
Sunday, January 31, 1 to 4pm
In the tradition of Grandma Moses, these 3 artists discovered their artistic talents later in life and have made creative expression part of their daily lives.
Please join us to view "VENTURES IN ART", a representational collection on exhibit through January 31, 2010
Mollie Solorzano, Linda Kennedy and Dr. Georgianna Galas have painted together for several years and share a love of artistic expression.
Closing Reception
Sunday, January 31, 1 to 4pm
And in February
Bronze Sculpture © Jean Cornwell
"Up From the Ashes"
a new body of work from Sculptor, Jean Cornwell"
Opening Reception: Friday, February 5,
NOTE: This exhibit has been postponed due to illness in the artist's family. Will keep you updated.
NOTE: This exhibit has been postponed due to illness in the artist's family. Will keep you updated.
6 to 9pm
Women's History Museum
Jean's work speaks for itself... but just as loud, are the words of the artist herself:
Artist Statement
My first one-woman art show was exhibited on the underside of my grandmother's kitchen table. I had not yet developed my own particular style nor could I reveal my source of inspiration but I was, nevertheless, expressing my artistic self. In years to come these childish dabblings would lead me to a never-ending experimentation with a variety of styles, media and methods which, to this day, are still in the process of creative evolution.
Born in the Black Capital of the world, Harlem, I was bombarded with sights and sounds that only this unique neighborhood could offer. I felt I had it all and was quite aware that I was living in a very live art gallery. From behind the windows of my basement apartment, I viewed the colorful parade of Black ladies with their sugar brown legs; red-eyed winos, drooling in drunken contentment in the curb; the white-tipped cane of the nameless blind man announcing this approach. I listened to the local crooners, using the stoops as their public stages. I watched the flamboyantly-dressed numbers runner make his twice-daily rounds dispensing either joy or sorrow. When I can on the street itself, I danced to the hop-scotch rhythms of the double-dutch, played with the neighborhood girls. I watched with envy the scrabby-kneed boys playing their game of loadies with old bottle caps. I enjoyed the summer evening games of stoop-ball watching the soft pink ball bravely bouncing against the gray-brown cement steps. It was a time for running, laughing, jumping-a fun time. A lifetime of images, waiting to be born, were formed on these streets by these alive Black people.
I hope you can check out these shows. I am going to do my best to head down to this wonderful museum.
Happy show attending! ~ Jaime Lyerly
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Video from smARTist Telesummit alumni
I have been eagerly anticipating the smARTist Telesummit which starts TOMORROW, Thursday, January 21, 2010!
The free preview calls are still available for any artist who is interested. You are able to listen to the speakers for the conference all without spending any money. Last year, the preview calls are what hooked me to sign up for the full session. This year, I barely hestiated to sign up, even before the first preview. Last year's conference was amazing and I am excited to listen and take action again.
Ready to jump start your artist career but not sure how? Still not sure what all this talk about smARTist Telesummit is all about? I am here to help again. You may have read my testimonial on my blog post about last year's smARTist. Facilitator Ariane Goodwin shares a video from Artist Amadea Bailey with her smARTist video testimonial.
Embedded videos work for blogger, but will not show when this blog is imported into Facebook, so check it out through this link:
Feeling compelled to see more about this smARTist Telesummit and maybe take the leap and sign up? Wonderful! I will be right there with you.
Learn more about smARTist and register through my affiliate link.
My college classes start the same day as the smARTist Telesummit, so I am not sure how much blogging I will get to do while it is going on. However, I will be writing all about it and giving you tips that you can use. The sessions are dense with information, and I am glad this year I signed up to have the transcripts in paper format. Listening later via the internet and downloading the MP3s is the best way for me to be able to attend this conference AND still attend classes.
To your art career success!
~ Jaime Lyerly
~ Jaime Lyerly
Monday, January 11, 2010
Big news for the San Diego Women's Caucus for Art and our Winter Quarterly Newletter including Annual Retreat Photos


Here is a link to view the San Diego Women's Caucus for Art Winter Quarterly Newsletter that is sent out to all members and is available in hard copy at our events. http://sn.im/sdwcanewletter12-09
You can also read previous newsletters at http://www.sdwca.org/new/newsletter.htm
The December newsletter features pictures and information about the Annual Retreat, which I taught "Encaustic Technique." I have been promising pictures and stories on the blog for so long, and I am sorry to let you down. However, I have posted pictures of the Annual Retreat on my Facebook fan page, so please check them out there!
The current newsletter also has the final President's message from Laura Jean Thompson, 2005 - 2009 SDWCA President, which includes the official announcement that I am not sure everyone knows yet.
Yours truly, Jaime Lyerly, is the new 2010 President of the San Diego Women's Caucus for Art! Hurray!
I am so excited to be leading the San Diego Women's Caucus for Art this year, along with my two Vice Presidents, Ellie Benfatti and Jen Bottoms. We had our first meeting of the new year yesterday and it was electric!
Here is a little taste of what we have in store for the new year:
- Free artist demos open to the public after each of our monthly Board meetings
- Juried and Invitational Exhibitions
- Online Juried Exhibitions
- Development of Scholarship and Professional Grants for artists
Now back to Art making! ~ Jaime Lyerly
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
"Starving to Successful" Author Jason Horejs at the Free smARTist Preview Call Tonight!

Last minute change to the Free smARTist Preview call that I wrote about in last week's post Twitter and smARTist 2010. Now it is focused on finding your own path to success.
See the information below about the Free Preview call tonight!
You know that success in the art world doesn't follow the same path for every artist.
And it's great to hear how other artists have figured out their path – you'll get ideas, tips, and suggestions to mix-and-match and use to smooth your own path!
Jason Horejs grew up in the art world – literally: his father is successful painter, John Horejs.
Jason owns Xanadu Gallery and is the author of Starving to Successful: How to Find and Keep the Right Gallery for Your Art, at Any Stage of Your Career. He'll be talking with Ariane Goodwin of smARtist®, tonight about three artists who have found their path to success in very different ways. And he'll be talking about why NOW is the perfect time to be looking for gallery representation.
Tonight, Tuesday, Jan 5th 7-8 pm ET (NY) 4-5 pm PT (CA)
If you haven't signed up for the pre-events yet, click here to sign up and get the call-in & webcast details for all the Pre-events (and access to the recording afterwards):
Click Here > http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=887631 (Jaime Lyerly's affiliate link)
* Find the sign-up box in the upper right corner of that web page * Enter your name and email * Look in your inbox for all the call-in & webcast details ===========================================
One thing Ariane makes sure of—all of her smARTist Pre-events have meat on the bone!
Registration is open for the 7-day conference which starts on January 21st, and for a limited time you can make your budget as happy as your art career by paying over 3 installments but only until midnight (PT), tonight:
Click Here > http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=887631 (Jaime Lyerly's affiliate link)
From a smARTist alumni from last year: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
I just want to say, I'm astounded at where my art career has led me since I partook in your course!
When I look back at where I was when I signed up in December to where I am now ... it is truly amazing. The creativity in my work has really opened up. I am no longer afraid to take the next steps. The public art gallery (Art Gallery of Hamilton) in my city has a piece of my work and has asked that I keep them informed about any new work and what is happening with my career. WOW. I can't thank you enough for running an awesome course! - Elle How ----------------------------------------------------------------------
You shouldn't miss this FREE preview calls! There is no obligation to smARTist or myself for signing up for these. It is not a scam. Trust me on this one. And you won't be sorry that you listened.
Sure you can get this art career information other places, but why not take advantage of the fact that it is all available to online to download and listen to at your leisure (or break from the studio!)
To read more about my love of smARTist Telesummit, go to this post about my experience with the 2009 smARTist Telesummit.
Happy Art making! ~ Jaime Lyerly
P.S. I am still working on typing up all the info for my art supply bartering. Don't give up on me! I will have it soon.
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